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Reformist candidate named Iranian president-elect

Iran's President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian speaking after the election Associated Press/Photo by Vahid Salemi

Reformist candidate named Iranian president-elect

Former Health Minister Masoud Pezeshkian won the election’s runoff vote on Friday by about 54 percent of citizen support after voter turnout hit a record low. The moderate addressed supporters as president-elect on Saturday in the Iranian capital of Tehran. The 69-year-old cardiologist reaffirmed his intentions to deliver on his campaign promises, which included loosening hijab laws and strengthening Western relations. The former parliamentarian also supported the revival of the 2015 nuclear pact and pledged to work to limit the country’s atomic activities if major world powers remove sanctions against Iran. Pezeshkian also pledged to continue listening to citizens and speaking for the voiceless.

Does this mean Iran is returning to its pre-Islamic Revolution status? Despite the election of a moderate president, analysts expect the Islamic theocracy will remain virtually unchanged. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, a hard-liner, still holds the ultimate decision-making power, especially when it comes to foreign affairs. However, Pezeshkian could greatly influence the decision on who might succeed the 85-year-old as the nation’s supreme leader.

Dig deeper: Read my previous report on the election for more background on the issues and other candidates.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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