Record floods devastate Nebraska | WORLD
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Record floods devastate Nebraska

Rising waters from the Platte and Missouri rivers flood areas of Plattsmouth, Neb., on Sunday. Associated Press/Photo by Nati Harnik

Record floods devastate Nebraska

Floodwaters submerged large areas of Nebraska over the weekend, bringing widespread destruction and leading to the deaths of at least two people. Heavy rain combined with snowmelt overwhelmed creeks and rivers, causing record flooding at 17 locations across the state. Authorities used boats and large trucks to rescue at least 300 people from high water.

Columbus, Neb., farmer James Wilke died trying to assist stranded motorists when a bridge reportedly gave out while he was driving his tractor over it. Aleido Rojas Galan of Norfolk, Neb., died in a hospital after being caught in floodwaters.

In Sarpy County, just south of Omaha, water breached levees along the Platte and Missouri rivers, submerging up to 400 homes. Serious flooding is expected to continue in the state at least through next weekend. Southwestern Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and South Dakota have also reported flooding. Many residents downstream near the Missouri River are in the process of evacuating.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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