Putin expected to run in 2024 Russian election | WORLD
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Putin expected to run in 2024 Russian election

Russian President speaking with Vladimir Putin speaking with members of Russia's Young Army Cadets National Movement Sputnik Kremlin via Associated Press/Photo by Mikhail Metzel (pool)

Putin expected to run in 2024 Russian election

Russian President Vladimir Putin will run for a fifth term in March 2024, according to a Reuters report that cited six anonymous sources. Russian Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said Monday that Putin’s candidacy has yet to be officially announced. Peskov said last month he doubted Putin would face any serious competition if he ran for re-election. Putin was first elected president in 2000, after serving as acting president in the wake of President Boris Yeltsin’s resignation. Putin has served two four-year terms and two additional six-year terms.

How long can Putin hold the presidency? The Russian constitution initially barred presidents from running for re-election after serving two consecutive four-year terms. A 2008 amendment elongated presidential terms to six years each. Legislators passed another amendment in 2020 that allows Putin to serve two more terms, potentially keeping him in power until 2036.

Dig deeper: From the WORLD archives, read Mindy Belz's report on Putin’s 2004 re-election.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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