Pro-life bill moves forward in Nebraska | WORLD
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Pro-life bill moves forward in Nebraska

Sen. Suzanne Geist speaks about her bill to ban dismemberment abortion in Lincoln, Neb., on Wednesday. Associated Press/Photo by Nati Harnik

Pro-life bill moves forward in Nebraska

Lawmakers in Nebraska broke a filibuster on Wednesday to move forward a bill protecting babies from dismemberment abortions. Most abortions after the first trimester use “dilation and evacuation,” or pulling babies from the womb limb by limb. The bill would allow suction abortions but keep abortionists from using forceps, tongs, and other commonly used instruments for dilation and evacuation.

What’s next for the bill? It faces two more votes in Nebraska’s unicameral legislative body before heading to the desk of the Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts, who supports it. The state has three days left in its legislative session. After becoming law, the measure might face legal trouble—several other states have passed similar laws that courts have struck down as unconstitutional.

Dig deeper: Read Rachel Lynn Aldrich’s report on legal challenges to pro-life heartbeat laws.

Esther Eaton

Esther formerly reported on politics for WORLD from Washington. She is a World Journalism Institute and Liberty University graduate and enjoys bringing her parakeets on reporting trips.


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