Prime minister of Kosovo criticizes Serbia | WORLD
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Prime minister of Kosovo criticizes Serbia

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti on Thursday morning claimed that the Serbian government is using criminal and terrorist groups to threaten his country. Kosovo’s intelligence agencies said they had detected an increased risk of violent activity by Serbian criminal organizations in Kosovo, Kurti said in a speech from the capital. The criticism comes after Serbia on Oct. 4 released Milan Radoičić, a Serbian politician.

Who is Radoičić? Serbian authorities held Radoičić in custody briefly as a suspected leader of an attack on the village of Banjska in northern Kosovo. He denied the charges while admitting a link to the group involved in the gunfight. Prosecutors had called for Radoičić to be held until his trial. He is a former leader of a political party, the Serb List. Radoičić has been on a list of individuals sanctioned by the United States since 2021, when he was added for his alleged role in the assassination of a political party leader in 2018.

Dig Deeper: From the WORLD archives, read J. Budziszewski’s 1999 checklist for a just war during the Kosovo War.

Aidan Johnston

Aidan Johnston is a graduate of Hillsdale College and the World Journalism Institute. He lives in Wheaton, Ill.

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