Police find Walmart shooter’s “death note” | WORLD
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Police find Walmart shooter’s “death note”

A memorial at Walmart. Associated Press/Photo by Billy Schuerman/The Virginian-Pilot

Police find Walmart shooter’s “death note”

In a note labeled “Death Note” on his phone, Walmart supervisor Andre Bing tried to apologize for the shooting while blaming others for mocking him, police said Friday. Bing allegedly walked into an employee meeting and fatally shot six people Tuesday before turning the gun on himself. Bing legally bought the 9mm handgun used in the shooting, police said, and had no criminal record. 

What have witnesses said? Witness Jessica Wilczewski said Bing seemed to target specific employees at the meeting of 15 to 20 people before their shift. Wilczewski said she was hiding under a table after Bing started shooting, but Bing told her to come out. When Bing saw who she was, he told her to go home, so she ran out of the store. Others have said Bing was firing randomly. 

Dig deeper: Read Addie Offereins’ report in Compassion on law enforcement saying cities need better mental health care and better policing.

Mary Muncy

Mary Muncy is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. She graduated from World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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