Planned shooting in Honduras kills 11 | WORLD
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Planned shooting in Honduras kills 11

Relatives of inmates wait outside the women's prison near Tegucigalpa, Honduras, following a riot in the prison. Associated Press/Photo by Elmer Martinez

Planned shooting in Honduras kills 11

Late Saturday night, gunmen burst into a billiards room killing 10 men and one woman. The shooting took place in the city of Choloma in northern Honduras. President Xiomara Castro called the shooting a “brutal and ruthless terrorist attack by hired killers trained and directed by drug lords.” She established a curfew in Choloma to run from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. local time. The Honduran government is offering a reward of about $33,000 for help finding and capturing the shooters.

How does this tragedy compare to other recent instances of gang violence? This shooting took place less than a week after the Tamara prison massacre in which over 40 women were killed. Members of the Barrio 18 gang hacked some women to death with machetes and burned others alive in their cells, police said. It was the worst massacre at a female detention center in five years.

Dig Deeper: Read Carolina Lumetta’s report on Honduras electing Xiomara Castro as its first female president.

Jeremy Abegg-Guzman

Jeremy Abegg-Guzman is a student at New Saint Andrews College and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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