Planned Parenthood gunman has outburst in court | WORLD
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Planned Parenthood gunman has outburst in court

Robert Lewis Dear looks back at the gallery after one of his outbursts Wednesday at a hearing in Colorado Springs. Associated Press/Photo by Andy Cross/The Denver Post (pool)

Planned Parenthood gunman has outburst in court

The man accused of killing three people and wounding nine others at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, Colo., shouted out during a court hearing Wednesday, declaring he is guilty and a “warrior for the babies.”

Robert Lewis Dear’s outburst came before he was formally charged with first-degree murder and other counts in a Colorado Springs courtroom.

Dear, 57, also repeatedly interrupted his public defender, Daniel King, objecting to King’s attempts to limit publicity in the case. King had asked the judge to impose a gag order on participants in the case before a trial.

“You’ll never know what I saw in that clinic,” Dear yelled out to the court. “Atrocities. The babies. That’s what they want to seal.”

Dear also claimed King, who also represented Colorado theater shooter James Holmes, “drugged” Holmes and “he wants to do that to me.” Holmes was on anti-psychotic medication during his trial earlier this year for the 2012 shootings that killed 12 people and wounded 70. He was sentenced to life in prison.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Mickey McLean

Mickey is executive editor of WORLD Digital and is a member of WORLD’s Editorial Council. He resides in Opelika, Ala.


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