Planned Parenthood forgoes some federal funding | WORLD
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Planned Parenthood forgoes some federal funding

Pro-life demonstrators at a Planned Parenthood location in Indianapolis on Friday Associated Press/Photo by Michael Conroy

Planned Parenthood forgoes some federal funding

The abortion giant announced Monday it will give up $60 million annually rather than follow a pro-life Trump administration rule. The new Title X family planning regulation, issued in February, prevents taxpayer dollars from funding organizations that provide or refer women for abortions. Planned Parenthood refused to conduct abortions in separate locations from its other family planning services or to stop referring women for abortions as required.

Does this spell financial hardship for the organization? Not likely. More than 20 states have sued to stop the rule, and some may step in to make up the difference. The withdrawal doesn’t affect most of Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer dollars. The organization received about $500 million from Medicaid in 2017-2018, which will likely continue.

Dig deeper: Learn more about the organization’s decision from my report in Vitals.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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