Phoenix heat wave lasts 31 days | WORLD
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Phoenix heat wave lasts 31 days

Clouds surround downtown Phoenix at sunset on Sunday Associated Press/Photo by Matt York

Phoenix heat wave lasts 31 days

Phoenix, Ariz., on Monday marked 31 consecutive days with high temperatures of 110 degrees or more, making it the worst heat wave the city has faced since 1974. Temperatures have been so hot for so long that July set a record for U.S. cities, with an average temperature of 103 degrees. City authorities have provided warnings and advice to citizens on how to stay cool in the deadly heat.

Are any other cities suffering from heat waves? Many other cities currently suffer from similar heat waves. El Paso, Texas, broke its city record with 44 consecutive days of 100-plus-degree temperatures. Miami’s heat index stayed above 100 degrees for 46 days straight.

Dig Deeper: Listen to Paul Butler and retired professor of geography and climatology David Legates talk about how climate change affects the weather on The World and Everything in It podcast.

Jeremy Abegg-Guzman

Jeremy Abegg-Guzman is a student at New Saint Andrews College and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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