Pentagon: North Korea missile program is taking off | WORLD
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Pentagon: North Korea missile program is taking off

North Koreans push their bicycles past giant portraits of the late North Korean leaders Kim Il Sung and current leader Kim Jong Il. Associated Press/Photo by Wong Maye-E

Pentagon: North Korea missile program is taking off

After initially saying North Korea’s latest attempts to launch intermediate range ballistic missiles failed, U.S. national defense analysts now say the totalitarian regime is making progress with its weapons systems. One missile launched Tuesday night flew about 90 miles, and the other flew 250 miles, about one-third of the distance between North Korea and Japan. The previous four missiles tested by the North all exploded shortly after takeoff. A fully operational Musudan missile has a range of 2,000 miles, enough to reach U.S. military installations in Guam. North Korean leader Kim Jong Il ordered his military commanders in March to push ahead with missile and nuclear tests, despite international warnings such action violated UN resolutions.

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