Pence promises relief to flooded Midwest | WORLD
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Pence promises relief to flooded Midwest

Vice President Mike Pence meets volunteers and first responders in Omaha, Neb., on Tuesday. Associated Press/Photo by Nati Harnik

Pence promises relief to flooded Midwest

Vice President Mike Pence visited flood-ravaged Nebraska on Tuesday, meeting with volunteers and first responders and pledging quick federal aid. “To all the families that have seen their homes flooded, seen livestock lost, had their lives, their communities upset by these extraordinary floods and severe weather, our message is this: We’re with you,” Pence said.

The Nebraska Farm Bureau estimated farm and ranch losses could reach $1 billion. Bureau President Steve Nelson said he anticipates up to $400 million in crop losses because some crops will be planted late, if at all. He also predicted up to $500 million in livestock losses. Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri remain under flood warnings from recent storms and melting snow, though water levels dropped slightly in parts of Nebraska and Iowa on Wednesday. At least three flood-related deaths have been reported, and two men remain missing.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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