Parents of U.K. crash victim appeal to Trump | WORLD
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Parents of U.K. crash victim appeal to Trump

Charlotte Charles (right), the mother of Harry Dunn, with her husband, Bruce Charles, on Monday in New York Associated Press/Photo by Craig Ruttle

Parents of U.K. crash victim appeal to Trump

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump met Tuesday with the parents of a 19-year-old British man who died in a crash involving a U.S. intelligence official’s wife in August. Anne Sacoolas pulled onto the wrong side of the road when leaving a military base in Croughton, England, and collided with Harry Dunn’s motorcycle. The mother of three claimed diplomatic immunity from prosecution and returned to the United States.

Why did the parents come to the United States? Tim Dunn and Charlotte Charles want Sacoolas to return to Britain to face justice. During the Oval Office meeting, Trump surprised the parents by telling them that Sacoolas was waiting to meet them in a nearby room. They told the president they would only meet with her after she turned herself in to police in Britain. U.S. national security adviser Robert O’Brien reportedly told the parents that Sacoolas “is never coming back” to Britain, but Trump promised to “push to look at this from a different angle.”

Dig deeper: Read about the case of another U.S. citizen, rapper A$AP Rocky, who faced a conviction abroad this summer.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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