Officer who shot Breonna Taylor hired by Kentucky sheriff | WORLD
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Officer who shot Breonna Taylor hired by Kentucky sheriff

A ground mural depicting Breonna Taylor in Annapolis, Md., 2020 Associated Press/Photo by Julio Cortez, file

Officer who shot Breonna Taylor hired by Kentucky sheriff

Protesters on Monday gathered in Carrollton, the county seat of Carroll County, Ky., to protest the county sheriff’s hiring of former Louisville police officer Myles Cosgrove. The Louisville Metro Police Department had fired Cosgrove for violating its use-of-force policies and not wearing a body camera during the raid on Breonna Taylor’s apartment in 2020.

How did he get hired for this position? Both an FBI investigation and a grand jury investigation found no reason to charge Cosgrove with any crime related to the incident. In November, the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council decided not to revoke Cosgrove’s peace officer certification, which meant that he could apply for other law enforcement jobs in the state. Three other officers face trial for federal civil rights charges related to the raid on Taylor’s apartment. One other officer pleaded guilty to a felony charge for her role in crafting the warrant.

Dig deeper: Read Sophia Lee’s report from the WORLD archives about the investigation surrounding Breonna Taylor’s death.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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