North Korea claims satellite photos of White House, Pentagon | WORLD
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North Korea claims satellite photos of White House, Pentagon

North Korean government photo of the missile carrying the spy satellite launching Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via Associated Press/Photo uncredited

North Korea claims satellite photos of White House, Pentagon

North Korean state media said Tuesday the country’s first spy satellite has taken photos of the White House, Pentagon, and U.S. aircraft carriers at Naval Station Norfolk. The claim comes a week after the country said it successfully launched the surveillance satellite into orbit. North Korean media also reported that images had been taken of major cities and military bases in South Korea, Guam, and Italy. South Korea has confirmed the hermit state’s satellite is currently in orbit. However, North Korea has not released the images it claims to have taken. South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik said he doubted the claims, saying satellite reconnaissance “takes a considerable time,” per South Korean news outlet Yonhap.

Is South Korea still planning to launch its satellite later this week? The South Korean Defense Ministry released a statement Tuesday postponing Thursday’s launch due to weather concerns. They hope to launch on Saturday, but no new launch date has been finalized.

Dig deeper: Read Timothy Lamer’s book review in WORLD Magazine about a woman who escaped North Korea.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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