North Carolina House approves bill to protect babies | WORLD
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North Carolina House approves bill to protect babies

Abortion supporters rally against a pro-life North Carolina law. Associated Press/Photo by Karl B DeBlaker

North Carolina House approves bill to protect babies

The North Carolina Senate will consider Thursday whether to extend protection to unborn babies after 12 weeks instead of the state’s current protection after 20 weeks. The bill allows exceptions for rape and incest up to 20 weeks of pregnancy, for “life-limiting” genetic or physical disorders of the baby up to 24 weeks, and to save the life of the mother. The House approved the package Wednesday and it could reach Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper’s desk later Thursday. Cooper has said he would veto the bill, but Republicans hold veto-proof majorities in both the House and Senate. 

Does the bill include provisions for the family? The package of legislation includes providing at least $160 million for child care and maternal health care programs. The funding will go to things like paid maternity leave, adoption tax credits, contraceptives, and foster care. The bill would also bar abortions based on race or a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome as well as require doctors to care for babies born alive during an attempted abortion. 

Dig deeper: Listen to Ryan Bomberger’s commentary on The World and Everything in It podcast about Planned Parenthood’s profits from abortion.

Mary Muncy

Mary Muncy is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. She graduated from World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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