No prosecutions in border clash | WORLD
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No prosecutions in border clash

U.S. Border Patrol agents used tear gas during a border clash on Sunday. Associated Press/Photo by Rodrigo Abd

No prosecutions in border clash

No criminal charges will be filed against the 42 people arrested Sunday in a clash with Central American migrants at the U.S. southern border, Customs and Border Protection authorities said Thursday. During a march Sunday in Tijuana, Mexico, to protest long waits for caravan migrants to file asylum claims with the United States, some protesters pushed past Mexican police and attempted to illegally cross the border. U.S. authorities said migrants were throwing rocks at Border Patrol agents, who fired tear gas to disperse the crowd. U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in a tweet called the migrants’ actions dangerous and initially said perpetrators would be prosecuted. On Thursday, Customs and Border Protection acknowledged that no charges were filed but declined to say why. A spokesman for Border Patrol said the arrestees may be deported.

More than 6,000 migrants are waiting in Tijuana to apply for asylum. The U.S. government is processing about 100 of those cases a day at the San Ysidro, Calif., border crossing.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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