New Mexico Dems kill state's first abortion restrictions | WORLD
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New Mexico Dems kill state's first abortion restrictions

A man walks into a facility that offers abortions in Santa Teresa, N.M. Associated Press/Photo by Juan Carlos Llorca

New Mexico Dems kill state's first abortion restrictions

A New Mexico Senate committee killed two pro-life bills Sunday that would have aligned the state with 42 others that currently limit abortion in some way.

The bills, an induction abortion ban and parental notification requirement, died in a Public Affairs Committee hearing on a 5-3, partisan vote. Just two weeks ago, the bills sailed through the Republican-controlled house. But because Democrats control the Senate, some pro-lifers expected Sunday’s outcome. Others had hoped the bills’ broad appeal would encourage a positive vote.

Rep. Yvette Herrell, who sponsored the late-term abortion ban in the House, was disappointed the measure failed.

“At the end of the day we're talking about a viable human being that can live outside the woman’s [womb] with or without life support,” she said.

More than 200 people attended Sunday’s hearing to voice their opinion on the bills. The opposition argued legislators should prioritize safe access to abortions rather than government interference. But earlier this month, the Senate killed another bill that required abortionists to obtain admitting privileges at a local hospital.

Pro-life advocates said the bills promoted women’s health and parental rights. Sen. Ron Griggs, a Republican who voted against tabling the bills, said the late-term ban is a “reasonable approach to preserve life in our society."

Without the late-term abortion ban, New Mexico will continue to allow abortions through the ninth month of pregnancy. Thanks to the state’s non-existent regulations, Albuquerque’s Southwestern Women’s Options is the largest late-term abortion facility in America, drawing women from all across the country, Operation Rescue reported. The regulation vacuum has also encouraged a Texas abortion chain to set up a facility in Las Cruces to encourage women to avoid Texas’ abortion laws by crossing into New Mexico.

“As long as New Mexico continues to ignore their duty to protect women and their babies from unscrupulous and predatory abortion businesses, they will continue to attract the bottom-of-the barrel abortionists,” said Operation Rescue president Troy Newman. “And along with them, we can tragically only expect more abortion injuries and deaths at New Mexico abortion facilities.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Courtney Crandell Courtney is a former WORLD correspondent.

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