Nevada GOP governor signs pro-abortion law | WORLD
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Nevada GOP governor signs pro-abortion law

Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo Associated Press/Photo by Tom R. Smedes

Nevada GOP governor signs pro-abortion law

Republican Governor Joe Lombardo signed a bill Tuesday that bars state agencies from assisting out-of-state investigations that could lead to prosecuting someone who got an abortion. The law codifies an executive order from the previous governor, a Democrat. Nevada already protected babies after 24 weeks per a 1990 referendum, and Lombardo said he would respect the voters.

Is Nevada considering any other abortion legislation? Earlier this month, the state legislature introduced a bill that would enshrine access to abortion in the state constitution. The measure must pass one more vote before appearing on the 2026 ballot. Earlier this week, the Nevada legislature passed a law that would allow mentally competent, terminally ill adults to participate in medically assisted suicide. That bill is headed to Lombardo’s desk.

Dig Deeper: Listen to Nick Eicher’s report on The World and Everything in It podcast about Canada normalizing euthanasia.

Mary Muncy

Mary Muncy is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. She graduated from World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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