Netanyahu promises war in Gaza will continue | WORLD
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Netanyahu promises war in Gaza will continue

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday acknowledged his country’s war against the terrorist group Hamas had extracted “a heavy price” from Israel. On Saturday, U.S. President Joe Biden said that during a conversation with Netanyahu, he did not urge a cease-fire. The United States also abstained from voting on a United Nations resolution urging more aid to enter Gaza. Last week, the UN claimed hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza were at the point of “starvation.”

What does the situation look like on the ground? Israeli officials on Sunday said at least 15 of their soldiers had died from fighting in Gaza over the weekend. Meanwhile, the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry said more than 160 Palestinians died during the weekend. The ministry does not distinguish between combatant and civilian deaths. Last week, the ministry stated that more than 20,000 Palestinians have died during the monthslong conflict.

Dig deeper: Read Sharon Dierberger’s report in WORLD Magazine about clashes over pro-Palestinian protests.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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