Nebraska sees drive for pro-abortion amendment in constitution | WORLD
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Nebraska sees drive for pro-abortion amendment in constitution

Protesters line the street around the front of the Nebraska State Capitol in July 2022. Associated Press/Photo by Kenneth Ferriera, Lincoln Journal Star, file

Nebraska sees drive for pro-abortion amendment in constitution

The Nebraska Secretary of State’s office on Wednesday released the text of a ballot measure submitted by the pro-abortion group Protect Our Rights, which would appear on the state’s November 2024 ballots. The measure would amend the state’s constitution to grant women the right to kill their unborn babies up until the point the mother’s healthcare practitioner determines the baby can survive outside the womb on his or her own. The measure is similar to a state constitutional amendment recently passed by voters in Ohio. 

What does that mean for unborn babies? According to the National Institutes of Health, newborns usually reach the point of fetal viability around 23 weeks of pregnancy. Nebraska currently protects unborn babies after 12 weeks of pregnancy. The proposed measure still needs roughly 125,000 signatures to qualify to be on the ballot officially.

Dig deeper: Read Joseph Backholm’s column in WORLD Opinions about pro-lifers’ losses during the last election.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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