Nearly 20 killed in southern Russia terror attacks | WORLD
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Nearly 20 killed in southern Russia terror attacks

Women lay flowers at a makeshift memorial outside a church in Makhachkala Associated Press/Photo uncredited

Nearly 20 killed in southern Russia terror attacks

Over a dozen police officers and several civilians were killed in Sunday terror attacks in southern Dagestan, according to regional Gov. Sergei Melikov. Officials declared Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as days of regional mourning over the attacks. Gunmen opened fire on a Russian Orthodox church and a Jewish synagogue in Derbent which then caught fire. A nearly simultaneous attack occurred about 75 miles north in the regional capital of Makhachkala. Another church and synagogue were shot up, along with a police station, according to state media.

Investigators reported 15 police officers and four civilians were killed, including an Orthodox priest. At least 25 other people were injured during the attacks, according to initial reports. Five of the attackers were also killed by responding law enforcement, according to Russia’s Investigative Department. 

What terror group launched the attack? Russian officials have not identified a group responsible for the attacks, but have launched a terror investigation. The U.S.-based Institute for the Study of War, a Washington-based, non-profit public policy research organization, identified the Islamic State’s Northern Caucasus branch as the group likely responsible for the attacks. Investigators are still working to establish the circumstances and individuals involved in the attacks, Russia’s Investigative Department said.

Members of the World Jewish Congress are troubled by the synagogue attacks in Russia and call on public leaders to condemn anti-Semitism, said organization President Ronald Lauder. An attack on individuals’ right to practice their faith freely is an attack on humanity, he added.

Dig deeper: Read Josh Schumacher’s report on the music hall massacre by terrorists in Moscow earlier this year.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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