Navy corpsman wounds two in shooting | WORLD
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Navy corpsman wounds two in shooting

Members of the Frederick Police Department Special Response Team at Fort Detrick on Tuesday Associated Press/Photo by Graham Cullen/The Frederick News-Post

Navy corpsman wounds two in shooting

The shooter drove 10 minutes to Fort Detrick after shooting and critically wounding two U.S. Navy sailors at Riverside Tech Park in Frederick, Md., on Tuesday. Emergency medical services airlifted the two wounded people to a hospital. Frederick police warned the base about the active shooter, and personnel shot and killed him when he breached a gate. Fort Detrick houses the military’s flagship biological defense laboratory and several federal civilian biodefense labs.

What do we know about the alleged shooter? The Navy identified the suspect as Fantahun Girma Woldesenbet, a petty officer third class assigned to Fort Detrick. Frederick Police Chief Jason Lando said investigators were still looking into any possible relationship between the shooter and his victims and why he targeted that location.

Dig deeper: Read Susan Olasky’s report on avoiding hot takes in recent mass shootings.

Charissa Koh

Charissa is a WORLD reporter who often writes about poverty-fighting and criminal justice. She resides with her family in Atlanta.


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