NATO leader Jens Stoltenberg's term extended | WORLD
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NATO leader Jens Stoltenberg's term extended

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg Associated Press/Virginia Mayo, File

NATO leader Jens Stoltenberg's term extended

Jens Stoltenberg wrote on Twitter that he was honored to serve as secretary-general again and emphasized the importance of NATO “in a more dangerous world.” With the war in Ukraine, filling this position has become difficult. Leaders were supposed to choose a successor next week at a NATO summit in Lithuania. Stoltenberg had previously stated he had no intention to stay and was planning on wrapping up his time in September. NATO secretaries-general lead meetings and make sure group decisions are implemented. On Tuesday morning, NATO announced the extension of Stoltenberg’s term until October 2024.

Why was Stoltenberg’s term extended? His term was set to expire last year, but alliance leaders extended his service because of the war in Ukraine. The former Norway prime minister has been NATO secretary-general since 2014. NATO has extended his term four times.

Dig deeper: Read Todd Vician’s report in WORLD Magazine on the current nuclear capabilities of Russia.

Johanna Huebscher

Johanna Huebscher is a graduate of Bob Jones University and the World Journalism Institute.

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