NASA picks four astronauts to go to the moon | WORLD
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NASA picks four astronauts to go to the moon

From left, NASA astronauts Victor Glover, Jeremy Hansen, Christina Koch, and Canadian astronaut Reid Wiseman NASA/Provided by the Associated Press, CSA

NASA picks four astronauts to go to the moon

The space agency on Monday said three Americans and one Canadian astronaut will go on the first mission to the moon in more than 50 years. The mission is scheduled to take place late next year. The Artemis II mission will fly around the moon and return to earth. The agency said the mission will prove that the Orion spacecraft can safely transport astronauts to the moon and back.

Does NASA have any plans to put people on the moon? If this Artemis II mission is successful, NASA plans to put at least one man and one woman on the moon’s surface in 2025. NASA intends for these moon missions to serve as a stepping stone for later trips to Mars.

Dig deeper: Listen to Paul Butler’s History Book report on The World and Everything in It podcast about the Apollo missions to the moon.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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