Musk to relocate SpaceX, X offices from California to Texas | WORLD
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Musk to relocate SpaceX, X offices from California to Texas

The multibillionaire posted on X on Tuesday that he plans to move SpaceX’s headquarters from Hawthorne, Calif. to Starbase, Texas. He posted shortly after that X’s headquarters will move to Austin, Texas. Musk described California’s new law known as the SAFETY Act as the last straw for keeping his company in the Golden State. He said that this legislation and others like it were an affront to California’s businesses and families. He added in a later post that he had warned California Gov. Gavin Newsom that such legislation would push businesses and families out of the state.

What is the SAFETY Act? The SAFETY Act, now law with Newsom’s signature Monday, prohibits school districts or other state school officials from requiring school employees to disclose any information about a student’s so-called sexual orientation or gender identity to anyone, including a student’s parents or guardians, unless required by other law. It cites a student’s rights to privacy and self-determination as a basis for the provision.

Dig deeper: Read Brad Littlejohn’s commentary for WORLD Opinions criticizing Musk’s Neurolink endeavor.

Catherine Gripp

Catherine Gripp is a graduate of World Journalism Institute.

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