More than a hundred die in Nigeria as oil truck explodes | WORLD
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More than a hundred die in Nigeria as oil truck explodes

People burying victims of an oil tanker explosion in Maji’a town Associated Press/Photo by Sani Maikatanga

More than a hundred die in Nigeria as oil truck explodes

At least 107 people lost their lives in the blast and more than 50 others suffered injuries, Jigawa State Gov. Malam Umar Namadi said Wednesday. An oil tanker exploded in Maji’a Town, in the northwest Nigeria state of Sokoto, according to the governor’s office.

Namadi’s office claimed to quickly mobilize assistance and resources for the victims and their families. It added that the leader was ready to provide more help to the victims if they needed it.

Are tanker accidents like this common in Nigeria? Oil tanker accidents are frequent in Nigeria where traffic regulations are not thoroughly enforced, a government official said in a June statement that urged compliance with speed limits. Nigerians also face soaring fuel prices. After the tanker overturned, residents rushed to the scene to scoop up the released oil but were caught in flames, the Associated Press reported.

Dig deeper: Read Onize Oduah’s report in World Tour about how violent attackers plague many areas of Nigeria.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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