Montana proposes new abortion rule | WORLD
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Montana proposes new abortion rule

Protesters fill the Montana state Capitol to show support to change the Montana Constitution to define life as beginning at conception. Associated Press/Independent Record photo by Thom Bridge, File

Montana proposes new abortion rule

The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services held a Zoom hearing Thursday about a proposed rule surrounding Medicaid’s abortion coverage. The rule would only allow physicians to perform Medicaid-funded abortions and require doctors to provide more medical information to Medicaid.

What are its opponents saying? Opponents of the proposed rule are concerned about women’s health. They call the proposal an unnecessary, unsafe, and cruel assertion of government into private medical decisions.

Dig deeper: Read more about the proposal in Thursday’s public hearing notice.

Elias Ferenczy

Elias Ferenczy is a breaking news intern for WORLD. He’s a graduate of WORLD Journalism Institute and Covenant College.

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