Crane collapse in India kills at least 16 workers | WORLD
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Crane collapse in India kills at least 16 workers

India's National Disaster Response Force searches for survivors after an accident. Photo by NDRF via AP

Crane collapse in India kills at least 16 workers

The crane was being used to repair a bridge near Mumbai, the capital of Maharashtra in western India. Workers on Monday were still looking for survivors. Three other people were injured. Officials have said the families of the deceased will receive the Indian equivalent of over $2,000 and injured will receive more than $600.

Why did the crane collapse? Officials have not said how or why the crane collapsed. This is not the first fatal crane accident in India. An accident in January of this year killed 4. Another accident in 2020 killed 11.

Dig deeper: Read the Editors’ Global Brief in WORLD Magazine about shrinking poverty in India.

Johanna Huebscher

Johanna Huebscher is a student at Bob Jones University and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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