Missile attack kills mother and child in Kyiv | WORLD
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Missile attack kills mother and child in Kyiv

Servicemen of the newly created National Guard unit train in the Kharkiv region, Ukraine, Thursday. Associated Press/Photo by Andrii Marienko

Missile attack kills mother and child in Kyiv

Russia fired more missiles at Kyiv early Thursday morning. One child died with her mother and another woman, making it the deadliest single attack on the capital over the past month. Eleven other people reported injuries. It is the fourth attack by Russia this week and the 18th attack on the city since May.

How many Ukrainian children have died during the war? According to the Associated Press, almost 500 children have died and nearly 1,000 have been injured. Many children now find themselves orphaned due to the constant attacks. Today is International Children’s Day, and Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska tweeted she wants to protect “little Ukrainians” and give them a reason to “feel like winners.”

Dig Deeper: Read Jill Nelson’s report in WORLD Magazine on Russia and Iran’s partnership in the war with Ukraine.

Gracen Fulmer

Gracen Fulmer is a graduate of Patrick Henry College and a student at the World Journalism Institute.

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