Minnesota governor orders enforcement of gender ideology | WORLD
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Minnesota governor orders enforcement of gender ideology

Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz before signing the executive order on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. Photo by Steve Karnowski for the Associated Press.

Minnesota governor orders enforcement of gender ideology

The executive order signed Wednesday by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz will go into effect later this month. Walz said he wanted to act on the issue even before legislative bills enforcing similar measures reached his desk. That’s because other states are considering legislation that would restrict or prohibit treatments such as transgender surgery.

What’s in the executive order? The order commands all Minnesota state agencies to “pursue opportunities and coordinate with each other” to protect access to services—including transgender surgery, drugs, and counseling—“to the fullest extent of their lawful authority.” Minnesota Family Council CEO John Helmberger said the governor’s order will hurt people rather than help them. 

Dig deeper: Read Mary Jackson’s cover story in WORLD Magazine about the fight against over-sexualized content in children’s literature.

Elias Ferenczy

Elias Ferenczy is a breaking news intern for WORLD. He’s a graduate of WORLD Journalism Institute and Covenant College.

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