Midday Roundup: U.S. births increase, ending baby recession | WORLD
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Midday Roundup: U.S. births increase, ending baby recession


Midday Roundup: U.S. births increase, ending baby recession

Baby shower. U.S. births rose in 2014 for the first time since 2007, ending a persistent decline experts called the “baby recession.” About 53,000 more babies were born last year than the year before, an increase of 1 percent, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics. Births increased in almost all major ethnic groups, while teenage birth rates continued to decline. The pre-term birth rate and the rate of cesarean deliveries also dropped.

Taking a stand. The president of the Southern Baptist Convention said though he has compassion for people struggling with same-sex attraction, he will never officiate same-sex marriages, regardless of what the U.S. Supreme Court decides. At the annual meeting of the nation’s largest protestant denomination, Southern Baptist President Ronnie Floyd said when it comes to marriage, “The Supreme Court of the United States is not the final authority.” Floyd said God established marriage in the Bible as a lifetime commitment between one man and one woman. “As a minister of the gospel, I will not officiate over any same-sex unions or same-sex marriage ceremonies,” he said. “I completely refuse.”

Fresh face. The Treasury Department announced Wednesday it will put the face of a woman on the $10 bill starting in 2020. The department has not decided which historical figure will replace Alexander Hamilton, but it will take suggestions from the public throughout the summer. The release of the new $10 bill will coincide with the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the 19th Amendment, which allowed American women to vote. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said he would still like some or all of the bills to depict Hamilton, just less prominently.

Reassigned. Journalist Brian Williams will return to NBC after his six-month suspension ends but not to the anchor chair for NBC Nightly News, The New York Times reported. Williams had to take a break from the job previously held by Tom Brokaw over allegations he lied about coming under fire while reporting in Iraq. Williams is expected to work for the cable network MSNBC on his return. Lester Holt, who anchors Dateline NBC and has filled in for Williams, reportedly will replace him permanently.

WORLD Radio’s Steve Coleman contributed to this report.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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