Midday Roundup: Trump and Clinton exchange insults | WORLD
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Midday Roundup: Trump and Clinton exchange insults

University of Nebraska fans hold portraits of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at a basketball game Associated Press/Photo by Nati Harnik

Midday Roundup: Trump and Clinton exchange insults

Negative press. In his latest round of mudslinging, Donald Trump invoked a vulgar Yiddish sexual term to describe Hillary Clinton’s presidential primary loss to President Barack Obama in 2008. Trump has used the term before to describe the political defeat of Jane Corwin, a Republican who ran for Congress in New York in 2011. (Kathy Hochul, a Democratic woman, defeated Corwin.) At a rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., Trump also called Clinton’s mid-debate bathroom break Saturday night “disgusting.” Clinton, who returned late to the stage after a commercial break, reportedly refused to share a restroom with a member of Martin O’Malley’s staff. Clinton has launched her own attacks on Trump lately, saying during the debate that Trump’s opposition of Muslim immigrants has made him “ISIS’s best recruiter.” When Trump demanded an apology, a Clinton spokesperson emphatically refused.

No indictment. A Texas grand jury declined to issue indictments in the death of Sandra Bland, an African-American woman who was found hanged in a jail cell in Waller County last summer. Bland was arrested after a confrontation with a state trooper during a traffic stop. The county coroner ruled her death a suicide, but family members have sued the sheriff’s department and jail for wrongful death. Bland has become a symbol for the Black Lives Matter movement along with other African-Americans who died in police custody, such as Baltimore’s Freddie Gray and New York City’s Eric Garner.

Down to Earth. The private company SpaceX sent a rocket into space to launch satellites and brought it back to Earth a smooth landing Monday night, a first in the history of spaceflight. SpaceX, owned by billionaire Elon Musk, is striving for reusability to drive launch costs down and open up space to more people. Six months ago, a SpaceX rocket loaded with supplies for the International Space Station crashed shortly after liftoff.

Decimated dump. Chinese workers are searching for survivors after a 330-foot mountain of soil and construction debris collapsed in the industrial boomtown Shenzhen, knocking down 33 buildings and covering 94 acres. Officials say 76 people are still missing. Chinese authorities raided the offices of the company that managed the dump. Though the site had been deemed overfull and unsafe, trucks kept arriving daily to dispose of earth and debris from the development boom in Shenzhen, which is home to more than 10 million people and is the Chinese mainland neighbor of Hong Kong.

Stress-related. Police have identified the suspect in a fatal car rampage in Las Vegas Sunday night that left one person dead and 35 injured. The suspect is 24-year-old Lakeisha Holloway, a homeless woman who had been living in her car with her 3-year-old daughter for about a week. According to arrest records, Holloway was booked on charges that included murder, first-degree child abuse or neglect, and failing to stop at the scene of an accident. Authorities said they didn’t believe she had consumed drugs or alcohol, but she was under stress after having been told to leave several different properties where her car was parked.

WORLD Radio’s Mary Reichard and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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