Midday Roundup: Three shot, gunman dead at Florida State… | WORLD
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Midday Roundup: Three shot, gunman dead at Florida State library

Tallahassee police investigate a shooting outside the Strozier library on the Florida State University campus in Tallahassee, Fla. Associated Press/Photo by Mark Wallheiser

Midday Roundup: Three shot, gunman dead at Florida State library

School shooting. A gunman opened fire in the Florida State University (FSU) library early this morning, sending students who were up late cramming for exams running for their lives. Two students were sent to the hospital with gunshot wounds, and one was treated for a bullet graze and released at the scene. The gunman died in a firefight with local police outside the library. Police called the shooting an isolated incident. An anonymous law enforcement official identified the shooter as Myron May, a lawyer who graduated from FSU and attended Texas Tech University law school. Police have not released any information about a possible motive. “This person just for whatever reason produced a handgun and then began shooting students in the library,” FSU Police Chief David Perry said.

And on your family. Israel will raze the homes where four Palestinian attackers lived, including those of the assailants in brutal killings at a synagogue earlier this week. In the past, Israel has demolished people’s houses as punishment for their crimes, but the practice has been rare recently due to heavy criticism. But, in the wake of increasing attacks on Israelis, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he will revive the policy in hopes of deterring future attacks. In addition to the homes of cousins Ghassan and Oday Abu Jamal, whom police killed in the synagogue attack, authorities also will demolish those of Ibrahim al-Akari and Moataz Hijazi. Al-Akari rammed his car into a Jerusalem light-rail station, and Hijazi shot and wounded an Israeli activist. Both were shot by police at the scenes of their crimes.

In the ring. Hillary Clinton has at least one challenger should she decide (as she is expected to do) to pursue the Democratic nomination for president. Former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb announced he is forming an exploratory committee for a presidential campaign, which will allow him to start raising money. Webb served in the Marines and is a decorated Vietnam War combat veteran. As a Democrat who worked for the Reagan administration for four years, including two as secretary of the Navy, Webb says he knows how to facilitate compromises between the parties. He served one term as senator before retiring.

In memory. Mike Nichols, the Academy Award-winning director of the film The Graduate and many other socially charged movies and plays, has died. He was 83. Born in Berlin in 1931, he fled Nazi Germany for America with his parents when he was 7. He said he fell in love with theatre when, at age 15, his girlfriend’s parents gave them tickets to the second night of A Streetcar Named Desire, starring Marlon Brando. From there, he launched a career that started with a standup comedy show and sailed through directorial successes, including the movies Working Girl, The Birdcage, and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? On stage, he brought hits such as The Odd Couple, Barefoot in the Park, and Monty Python’s Spamalot. Nichols married TV journalist Diane Sawyer in 1988. It was his fourth marriage. He admitted in 2013 that many of his film and stage projects explored a familiar theme. “I keep coming back to it, over and over—adultery and cheating,” he said. “It’s the most interesting problem in the theater.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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