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Midday Roundup: Three men arrested in rape, murder of pastor's wife

Surveillance footage from an Indianapolis neighborhood where a young woman was slain. Indiana Metropolitan Police Department

Midday Roundup: Three men arrested in rape, murder of pastor's wife

In custody. Police have arrested three men, one a teenager, in the murder of an Indianapolis pastor’s wife. They are: Larry Taylor, 18; Jalen Watson, 21; and Diano Gordan, 24. Police said the men called themselves “The Kill Gang” and are suspected in multiple burglaries and another rape. The men are accused of entering the home of Davey and Amanda Blackburn while Amanda was home alone with her 1-year-old son. Police said Watson and Gordan left with her ATM card while Taylor stayed behind and raped and shot her. Davey Blackburn released a statement about the arrests, saying he extended forgiveness to his wife’s killer and hoped that “although there will be great consequences for his actions, he would become truly sorry for what he has done and would even begin to experience the life-transforming power of the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.” Amanda Blackburn was 28-years-old and about 12 weeks pregnant.

Lockdown continues. Belgium’s capital remains in lockdown today over what Prime Minister Charles Michel called a “grave and imminent” threat of terrorist attack. The Brussels metro system and schools are closed in an effort to prevent another Paris-style attack by multiple Islamic militants. The streets are nearly deserted, except for police scouring the city and its suburbs. Police have asked residents to stop posting on Twitter about raids in their areas, to keep from alerting terrorists. Though authorities detained 21 people last night, they are still hunting for Salah Abdeslam, the remaining suspect in the Paris attacks who reportedly has been sighted in Brussels. Amid the intensity of the situation, Belgians have maintained a sense of humor. Online posts of cats in Brussels in thematic poses, such as holding assault rifles or putting their paws in the air, have flooded social media. This morning, Belgian police responded by posting a picture of a dish of cat food with the caption, “For the cats who came to our aid last evening. Serve yourself! #BrusselsLockdown”

Mass shooting. New Orleans police are searching for suspects in an overnight melee in which 16 people were shot in a crowded park. Chaos broke out after a second-line parade—like one of the town’s famous jazz funerals, but without a death—ended near Bunny Friend Park in the city’s Ninth Ward, where hundreds had gathered to film an impromptu music video. About 500 people had gathered when shooting broke out. At least two gunmen fired into the crowd, police say. So far, no deaths have been reported.

Nuclear cooperation. Russia announced today it would export nuclear equipment and technology to Iran as international sanctions ease under a deal signed by world powers in July. The business arrangement will help Iran modernize its Arak heavy water reactor and export enriched uranium in exchange for raw uranium. Russian President Vladimir Putin is in Iran for a summit of oil and gas exporting countries.

WORLD Radio’s Jim Henry contributed to this report.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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