Midday Roundup: The Obama administration's war on caloric… | WORLD
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Midday Roundup: The Obama administration's war on caloric subterfuge

Proposed nutrition labels Associated Press/FDA

Midday Roundup: The Obama administration's war on caloric subterfuge

Because nobody drinks just half a Coke. Nutrition labels on food packages could be changing to more realistically reflect people’s eating habits. The Obama administration has proposed new Food and Drug Administration rules as part of first lady Michelle Obama’s health and nutrition initiative, “Let’s Move.” The new labels would feature calories in larger, bolder type and tell consumers whether foods have added sugar. Food manufacturers could no longer get away with reducing the serving size on labels for foods that are clearly meant to be consumed in one setting. So the label on a 20-ounce bottle of soda would have to show how many calories are in the whole bottle, not just in an 8-ounce serving.

Sick day. Attorney General Eric Holder had to be taken to the hospital after feeling faint and short-of-breath during a Thursday morning meeting. A statement from the Justice Department said Holder is, “resting comfortably and in good condition” at a Washington hospital. The department said the 63-year-old attorney general is alert, talking with his doctors, and undergoing further evaluation.

The final frontier. NASA announced yesterday the discovery of 715 new planets—and counting—by the Kepler telescope. NASA planetary scientist Jack Lissauer called the new data the “big mother lode.” The Kepler findings are invigorating the quest to find life on other planets. A handful of the planets discovered are similar to Earth in size or distance from the sun. Astronomers expect to find more when they look at all four years of data collected by the now-crippled Kepler. So far they have looked at half the data.

Exile in Russia. The uprising in Ukraine shows more potential everyday to erupt into a regional conflict as Russia harbors ousted President Viktor Yanukovych. Russian news organizations have reported that Yanukovych is staying at a Kremlin sanatorium just outside Moscow. Meanwhile, Russia has sent fighter jets to patrol its border and started military exercises in Western Russia. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned Russia against military action in Ukraine, saying it would be a “grave mistake.”

Bronco bustin’. The Denver Art Museum is making good on a bet it lost with the Seattle Art Museum over the Super Bowl. Because the Denver Broncos lost to the Seattle Seahawks 43-8, the Denver museum is shipping its Frederic Remington bronze sculpture “The Broncho Buster” to Seattle for three months. Stickers with Denver Bronco logos were plastered onto the crate carrying the sculpture as it was sealed in a workroom at the museum. For security reasons, museum officials would not say exactly when the sculpture will start its trip.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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