Midday Roundup: Teens' weekend fishing trip goes horribly… | WORLD
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Midday Roundup: Teens' weekend fishing trip goes horribly wrong

Perry Cohen and Austin Stephanos Associated Press/U.S. Coast Guard

Midday Roundup: Teens' weekend fishing trip goes horribly wrong

Missing at sea. The Coast Guard is searching for two 14-year-old boys who went fishing off the Florida coast Friday and haven’t come back. Rescuers found their boat capsized 67 nautical miles off the coast of Daytona Beach, Fla., but have not found the boys, who embarked from Jupiter, Fla. Their parents said Perry Cohen and Austin Stephanos were experienced boaters and had permission to go fishing. The boys told others they planned to go to the Bahamas, CNN reported, which their parents did not allow. Friends and family gathered Sunday night in a prayer vigil at Jupiter Christian School, where the teens attend.

Rest in peace. Bobbi Kristina Brown, the 22-year-old daughter of singer Whitney Houston, died Sunday in a hospice facility in Georgia. Brown was found unresponsive in a bathtub Jan. 31. A medical examiner will perform an autopsy, though figuring out what happened to Brown six months ago could prove challenging. Her accident came three years after her mother was found dead in a hotel bathtub with drugs in her system.

At a loss. Local media piecing together the story of a tragic knife attack that killed five family members have found little information about the Bever family or what motivated the killings. The Tulsa World confirmed Robert Bever, 18, and Michael Bever, 16, are under arrest in the murders of their parents and three of their siblings last week. A 13-year-old and a 2-year-old survived the attack. Neighbors said they thought April Bever, 44, homeschooled her children, but local homeschool support groups say they didn’t know the family. David Bever, 52, worked as a technology consultant. An expert told the World that even among patricides, which are extremely rare, a case in which two siblings work together to kill their parents is “very, very unique.”

Important issue. The most recent cover of New York magazine features pictures of 35 women who claim comedian Bill Cosby sexually assaulted them. In a twist making the story even more remarkable, the magazine’s website crashed shortly after it was posted. A hacker who claimed responsibility for attacking the site said it had nothing to do with the Cosby story, which the hacker hadn’t even seen, The New York Times reported. While it works to get its site running again, the magazine has posted audio from interviews of the article’s subjects on its social media accounts.

A new alliance. The United States and Turkey have agreed to work together to push Islamic State (ISIS) forces from a 68-mile swath of northern Syria. Turkey recently stepped up its campaign against ISIS and agreed to allow the U.S. to use one of its airbases. Once the countries have defeated ISIS in the region along the Syria-Turkey border, they plan to give control of the territory to a “moderate” rebel group in the Syrian civil war. In the long term, the area could become a safe haven for refugees and a no-fly zone, though the U.S. has not yet committed to those plans.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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