Midday Roundup: Obama signs finalized Iran nuclear deal | WORLD
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Midday Roundup: Obama signs finalized Iran nuclear deal

The heavy water nuclear facility near Arak, Iran. Associated Press/Photo by Hamid Foroutan/ISNA

Midday Roundup: Obama signs finalized Iran nuclear deal

Done deal. President Barack Obama signed the Iran nuclear deal Sunday, officially putting the controversial agreement into effect. At the White House over the weekend, the president said the deal is the best option for preventing a nuclear-armed Iran but admitted it doesn’t prevent the rogue nation from causing problems throughout the Middle East and beyond. “We are going to have to continue to put pressure on them through the international community to indicate to them that there are costs to bad behavior,” Obama said. The administration insists Iran will get no new relief from economic sanctions until inspectors verify its compliance with the terms of deal. Critics say the agreement makes too many concessions to Iran that make it impossible to verify total compliance.

Deadly game. A Chicago father has been charged with child endangerment after his 6-year-old son shot and killed his 3-year-old brother Saturday with a gun the dad left out. Michael Santiago, 25, an ex-gang member, reportedly bought the handgun illegally to protect his family from former gang associates. He left it loaded and wrapped in a pair of pajama pants on top of the refrigerator. Santiago was at work, his wife was at the store, and the boys’ grandfather was upstairs when the 6-year-old, who knew where the gun was kept, got the weapon down to play “cops and robbers.” The grandfather told local media the 6-year-old still doesn’t understand what happened.

Temple talks. Amid another series of Palestinian knife attacks over the weekend, France has submitted a draft proposal at the United Nations Security Council to place international monitors on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. The area is sacred to both Arabs and Jews, but Jews are allowed only limited access to the site under current rules. Palestinians have carried out a wave of deadly knife attacks against Israeli police and civilians, purportedly because they believe Israel plans to change the rules governing access to the Temple Mount. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that is a lie spread by Palestinian leaders to incite violence. In an effort to ease tensions, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry heads to the Middle East this week to meet with both Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Weighing in. Oprah Winfrey has given Weight Watchers International a financial boost by buying a 10 percent stake in the company and taking a seat on its board. The weight-loss company’s stock prices soared this morning as investors learned of Winfrey’s involvement. “Weight Watchers has given me the tools to begin to make the lasting shift that I and so many of us who are struggling with weight have longed for,” Winfrey said in a statement. “I believe in the program so much I decided to invest in the company and partner in its evolution.”

Fake zombies, real attack. An unidentified shooter at a convention for lovers of zombie lore killed one person and injured several others Saturday night. Police are still looking for the gunman who opened fire at ZombiCon in Fort Myers, Fla., where about 20,000 fans dressed as zombies had gathered. Many of them didn’t know whether the shots were real. Expavious Tyrell Taylor, a 20-year-old who played football at a local junior college, was killed.

WORLD Radio’s Kent Covington and Jim Henry contributed to this report.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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