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Midday Roundup: East Coast may not thaw in time for Thanksgiving

Winter storm damage in Odessa, Texas Associated Press/Photo by Mark Sterkel/Odessa American

Midday Roundup: East Coast may not thaw in time for Thanksgiving

Brrrr. Winter weather in the East could hamper Thanksgiving travel this week. An icy storm is moving out of Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas today and on to the East Coast. Forecasters warned the storm would bring freezing rain, sleet, ice, and snow in some areas. At least 10 people have died so far in weather-related traffic accidents. Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport canceled nearly 300 flights Monday due to freezing rain and sleet, airport spokeswoman Laura Masvidal said.

Coming to the table. The United Nations announced Monday that it will lead peace talks in January to try to end Syria’s civil war. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the negotiations would work toward establishing a transitional government with powers over military and security. The UN did not announce who would represent the numerous Syrian rebel groups, some of whom questioned Monday whether the talks would adequately protect their interests. Previous attempts to bring the two sides together have failed, mainly because of disputes over who should represent each side, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's future role in the country, and whether regional powers should be at the table.

Oil spillover. Now that countries have eased some sanctions on Iranian oil proceeds, markets are adjusting to new expectations for the world’s oil supply. The price of oil fell to less than $94 a barrel Monday. The preliminary agreement reached this weekend over Iran’s nuclear program does not allow Iran to increase oil exports. But by relaxing some financial restrictions, the agreement makes it easier for Iran to sell the oil it is allowed to sell. It also removes the short-term threat of further restrictions on Iranian exports, making the outlook positive for increasing the global supply of oil, therefore driving down prices. If more Iranian oil returns to international markets, the additional supply is likely to make crude less expensive over the longer term.

School scandal. A grand jury has indicted a school superintendent and three more adults for breaking the law during the investigation of the rape of a 16-year-old West Virginia girl last year in eastern Ohio. State Attorney General Mike DeWine announced the charges Monday in Steubenville, Ohio. The grand jury investigated whether adults like coaches or school administrators knew of the rape allegation but failed to report it as required by state law. The Steubenville superintendent faces the most serious charges, including obstructing justice. A principal, a strength coach, and a volunteer coach are accused of interfering with the investigation or failing to report possible abuse of a minor. A judge convicted two Steubenville football players with raping the girl in August 2012.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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