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Midday Roundup: Community, school board still at odds in Colorado

Teachers, students and supporters march near the location of an ongoing Jefferson County School Board meeting, in Golden, Colo. Associated Press/Photo by Brennan Linsley

Midday Roundup: Community, school board still at odds in Colorado

History lesson. The Jefferson County School Board in Golden, Colo., made some concessions last night to students, teachers, and parents who have protested in favor of a controversial high school history class. The College Board recently revised the Advanced Placement U.S. History test in a way many feel negatively portrays American heroism during wartime and omits key historical figures. The Colorado school board wanted extra time to review the new curriculum based on the test, but students and teachers accused them of censorship and walked out. Board members have suggested teachers who are mad about their salaries are taking advantage of students’ and parents’ anger to punish the school district with the protests. At a heated meeting last night, the board agreed to add parent, students, and community representatives to the panel that will review the curriculum. But many of the protesters remain unsatisfied and are planning more protests for this afternoon.

Data breach. JPMorgan has revealed that an August hacking attack exposed the information of 76 million households, or more than half of U.S. families. Hackers stole only identifying information such as names and addresses—nothing that could give them access to customers’ bank accounts. Customers do not need to change their passwords or account information, the bank said. The JPMorgan data breach was bigger than the attack on Home Depot this past summer, but smaller than one earlier this year at Target stores.

Jailed abroad. TV personality Montel Williams was on Capitol Hill this week, calling for action on behalf of a U.S. Marine jailed in Mexico. Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi accidentally crossed the Mexican border on March 31 while he had three firearms in his possession. Tahmooressi, who served two tours in Afghanistan, had his guns legally registered in the United States. Williams said if President Barack Obama won’t act on the sergeant’s behalf, then Congress should appeal to Mexico’s president to release Tahmooressi. The soldier’s mother, Jill Tahmooressi, also testified before Congress on Wednesday.

Clean-up crew. With poor sanitation costing India more than $50 billion per year, President Narenda Modi is calling on Indians to clean up. Modi used yesterday’s national holiday celebrating the birth of Mahatma Gandhi to launch the “Clean India” initiative. Modi helped pick up garbage at New Delhi’s largest train station, where a modern public bathroom opened as well. More than 3 million government employees were required to spend the day scrubbing and sweeping public areas around the country. Clean India aims to ensure everyone in India has access to a working toilet by 2019. It also calls on residents to commit 100 hours per year to cleaning up their communities.

Get out of jail free. The New York City Council is considering a proposal to buck U.S. immigration authorities when they ask the city to detain people. New York police would only comply with the requests if U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has a federal warrant demanding the detention or if the person had been convicted of a violent or serious crime. ICE has a practice of requesting city police detain arrestees suspected of illegal immigration, even if a judge has released them. Under the proposal, ICE could still pursue justice against illegal immigrants, but they would have limited ability to hold the suspects in local jails while doing so.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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