Michigan grandmother sentenced to prison for pro-life protest | WORLD
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Michigan grandmother sentenced to prison for pro-life protest

Heather Idoni’s mug shot at Grayson County Detention Center in Kentucky Grayson County Detention Center

Michigan grandmother sentenced to prison for pro-life protest

Heather Idoni received a sentence of two years in prison on Wednesday for her role in a pro-life protest. She was convicted of violating the FACE Act during an October 2020 protest at an abortion facility in Washington, D.C., according to a statement by the Justice Department. The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, or FACE Act, makes it illegal to block the entrance to medical buildings, including abortion facilities. Another pro-life protester, Paulette Harlow, is scheduled for sentencing later this month.

Haven’t several other people already received sentences for this? The Justice Department identified the other individuals who received sentences last week for participating in the protest as:

  • Lauren Handy, who received 57 months in prison.

  • John Hinshaw, who received 21 months in prison.

  • William Goodman, who received 27 months in prison.

  • Jonathan Darnel, who received 34 months in prison.

  • Herb Geraghty, who received 27 months in prison.

  • Jean Marshall, who received 24 months in prison.

  • Joan Bell, who received 27 months in prison.

Another defendant, Jay Smith, received a 10-month sentence early last year after he pleaded guilty.

What do the pro-lifers have to say? The Thomas More Society, whose lawyers represent Handy, plans to appeal her sentence and conviction. The lawyers have said the society will argue that the FACE Act is unconstitutional.

Dig deeper: Read Leah Savas’ report in WORLD Magazine about Idoni and the other pro-life protesters sentenced with the FACE Act.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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