Mexico-Guatemala border clash kills one | WORLD
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Mexico-Guatemala border clash kills one

Central American migrants try to force their way through a customs gate at a border bridge connecting Guatemala and Mexico on Sunday. Associated Press/Photo by Santiago Billy

Mexico-Guatemala border clash kills one

A Honduran migrant died Sunday in a clash with Guatemalan and Mexican police at the border. A group calling itself a second caravan broke down the metal gates at the Suchiate River border bridge connecting the two countries. Both police and migrants sustained injuries, and 26-year-old Henry Adalid died of a head wound from a rubber bullet, Reuters reported. Mexican Interior Secretary Alfonso Navarrete Prida has denied the country’s forces were responsible.

The original migrant caravan is still 1,000 miles from the nearest U.S. border crossing at McAllen, Texas. U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis plans to deploy U.S. troops to reinforce Border Patrol, and Reuters reports that number could be in the thousands. National Guard forces are already in place along the southern border, and Jersey barriers have been delivered to reinforce border crossings. Mexico offered migrants asylum if they stay in the southern states of Chiapas and Oaxaca.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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