Mexico: Attack on U.S. Embassy car was an accident | WORLD
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Mexico: Attack on U.S. Embassy car was an accident

MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexican officials are indicating that a shooting by federal agents against two CIA agents and a Mexican navy captain in a U.S. Embassy vehicle was an accident and not a deliberate attack.

Navy Secretary Mariano Francisco Saynez says the attack on the bulletproof SUV "was an error and not a malicious act."

Interior Minister Alejandro Poire says federal police officials were investigating a kidnapping that had taken place a day before near where the shooting happened. He wouldn't give any other details Tuesday "out of respect for the kidnapping victim."

Federal Police regional security chief Luis Cardenas Palomino also told reporters over the weekend that agents were investigating a kidnapping and that his agency was cooperating with investigators.

© 2012 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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