Meta unveils new Instagram accounts for teens | WORLD
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Meta unveils new Instagram accounts for teens

The Instagram logo is seen on a cell phone in Boston, Oct. 14, 2022. The Associated Press/Photo by Michael Dwyer, File

Meta unveils new Instagram accounts for teens

In a statement on Tuesday, Meta announced it will automatically place teen Instagram users in accounts with built-in protections.

How will the teen accounts differ from normal accounts? Instagram Teen Accounts will limit the content teens see as well as who can contact them. Teens will automatically be placed in private accounts where they can determine who is allowed to follow them. Those under 16 will need parental approval to modify the safety settings.  Instagram is also adding a supervision feature, where parents can see who their children are interacting with, set time limits for daily usage, and block them from using the app at night.

However, the app does not address the problem of those who lie about their ages when setting up an account.

Will teens who already have an account be placed in an Instagram Teen Account? Meta says it will begin moving teens to the new accounts next week. Minors who sign up for Instagram starting Tuesday will be placed in Instagram Teen Accounts.

Dig deeper: Read Mary Jackson’s report for WORLD Magazine about a blackmail scheme that uses social media to target teens.

Johanna Huebscher

Johanna Huebscher is a graduate of Bob Jones University and the World Journalism Institute.

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