Men convicted in Arbery death given life sentences | WORLD
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Men convicted in Arbery death given life sentences

Ahmaud Arbery’s mother, center, listens to sentencing at the Glynn County Courthouse on Friday in Brunswick, Ga. Associated Press/Photo by Stephen B. Morton

Men convicted in Arbery death given life sentences

Judge Timothy Walmsley held a moment of silence for 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery before sentencing the three men convicted of murdering him after a chase through a Georgia neighborhood in February 2020. Travis McMichael, 35, and his father Greg, 66, received the state’s mandatory sentence of life imprisonment without parole. William “Roddie” Bryan, 52, also received a life sentence but was granted the possibility of parole after he serves at least 30 years.

Will the defense appeal? Attorneys indicated they will appeal the murder convictions. They have 30 days from sentencing to file motions. Travis McMichael’s attorney asked the judge to allow parole, arguing he is not a danger to society and deserves a chance for redemption. Prosecutor Linda Dunikoski said all three defendants deserve the maximum penalties because they did not show empathy or remorse for killing Arbery. The McMichaels and Bryan will appear in a U.S. District Court next month to face further charges of federal hate crimes.

Dig deeper: Read Charissa Koh’s report in Compassion about how cases like Ahmaud Arbery’s sparked pushes for reform in 2021.

Carolina Lumetta

Carolina is a WORLD reporter and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute and Wheaton College. She resides in Washington, D.C.


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