Mediators work to again extend Israel-Hamas truce | WORLD
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Mediators work to again extend Israel-Hamas truce

People holding an Israeli flag watch the arrival of a helicopter transporting former hostages to an Israeli hospital. Associated Press/Photo by Leo Correa

Mediators work to again extend Israel-Hamas truce

International mediators, including Egypt and Qatar, on Wednesday morning sought an extension to the truce between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization. During the first five days of the truce, Hamas released 81 hostages. Before the truce’s first extension on Monday, Israeli officials said they would consider extending it as long as the militant group continued to free 10 captives per day. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday repeated that his country will eventually resume its campaign to annihilate Hamas.

How are mediators encouraging the cease-fire? The United States has told Israel that if it resumes the offensive, it must operate with greater precision. An Israeli push into southern Gaza could eventually find Hamas leaders and target infrastructure but could come at a high risk of civilian casualties and destruction.

Dig deeper: Listen to Nick Eicher and Mary Reichard’s discussion with reporter Seth Frantzman on The World and Everything in It podcast about Israel’s war in Gaza.

Tobin Jacobson

Tobin Jacobson is a student at Patrick Henry College and the World Journalism Institute.

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