Manager kills six in Walmart break room in Virginia | WORLD
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Manager kills six in Walmart break room in Virginia

Law enforcement officers in a Walmart in Chesapeake, Va. Associated Press/Photo by Alex Brandon

Manager kills six in Walmart break room in Virginia

The manager of a Walmart in Chesapeake, Va., killed himself and several other people on Tuesday night, police said Wednesday. Customers had packed the store before the shooting that night, looking to stock up for Thanksgiving. As of Wednesday morning, police could not say whether all the deceased were Walmart employees. This is the second mass shooting Virginia has weathered in less than two weeks—on Nov. 13, three University of Virginia football players were shot dead on a charter bus while returning to campus. Two other students were wounded in that shooting.

What happened in the break room? Walmart employee Briana Tyler said workers had gathered in the break room as they typically did before their shifts. She described the scene to ABC’s Good Morning America, saying she looked up to see her manager open the door and start shooting. She said multiple people dropped to the floor.

Dig deeper: Read Susan Olasky’s report from the WORLD archives about how Christians should avoid the hot takes when responding to mass shootings.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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