Man charged with murder after Tennessee church shooting | WORLD
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Man charged with murder after Tennessee church shooting

People reunite with loved ones after a shooting at Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Nashville. Associated Press/Photo by Shelley Mays/The Tennessean

Man charged with murder after Tennessee church shooting

Tennessee prosecutors charged a 25-year-old man with murder after he opened fire Sunday at Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Nashville, killing one congregant and injuring six others shortly after the service ended. Emanuel Kidega Samson allegedly shot and killed his first victim as she walked to her car in the parking lot. He then entered the church and began shooting at about 42 other people as they hid under pews. Pastor David Spann, 60, suffered a gunshot wound to the chest after urging people to run. A 22-year-old usher, Robert Engle, eventually stopped the gunman, who shot himself as the two men struggled. Police said they weren’t sure whether Samson intended to turn the gun on himself. After retrieving his own gun from his car, Engle held Samson until police arrived. Church members said Samson, who immigrated to the United States from Sudan as a child, visited the church once or twice several years ago. Investigators say they don’t yet have a motive for the attack.

Leigh Jones

Leigh is features editor for WORLD. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate who spent six years as a newspaper reporter in Texas before joining WORLD News Group. Leigh also co-wrote Infinite Monster: Courage, Hope, and Resurrection in the Face of One of America's Largest Hurricanes. She resides with her husband and daughter in Houston, Texas.

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