Khashoggi’s son returns to U.S., Saudi probe ongoing | WORLD
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Khashoggi’s son returns to U.S., Saudi probe ongoing

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (right) meets with Salah Khashoggi on Tuesday in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Associated Press/Saudi Press Agency

Khashoggi’s son returns to U.S., Saudi probe ongoing

Saudi Arabia’s public prosecutor, Sheikh Saud al-Mojeg, is set to fly to Istanbul on Sunday to meet with Turkish officials to continue the investigation into the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. On Thursday, the prosecutor said new information from the joint Saudi-Turkish investigation suggested that Khashoggi’s killing was premeditated, the latest shift in Saudi attempts to explain the killing. Turkish prosecutors plan to request the formal extradition of 18 suspects who are in custody in Saudi Arabia, Turkey’s state-run news agency reported Friday.

Salah Khashoggi, the journalist’s eldest son and a dual U.S.-Saudi citizen, was allowed this week to leave Riyadh with his family. Government authorities had barred him from leaving the country because of his father’s outspoken criticism of de facto Saudi ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo advocated for the younger Khashoggi’s return during his visit with Saudi leaders, and he was able to rejoin his mother and three siblings in Washington, D.C., Thursday, Reuters reported.

CIA Director Gina Haspel briefed President Donald Trump on Thursday about her trip to Turkey earlier this week. During her visit to review evidence, she reportedly listened to the audio Turkish officials have of Khashoggi’s torture and death.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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