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Kenya president axes $2.7 billion tax hike after fatal protests

Kenyan President William Ruto giving his Wednesday press conference Associated Press/Photo by Patrick Ngugi

Kenya president axes $2.7 billion tax hike after fatal protests

Kenyan President William Ruto confirmed that the 2024 Finance Bill would be withdrawn during a Wednesday press conference. His decision not to pass the $2.7 billion tax hike came after thousands of demonstrators stormed the parliament building on Tuesday. The protest left at least 23 people dead, according to the Wall Street Journal, citing Kenyan rights groups. The building was damaged after it partially caught fire. The country witnessed widespread dissatisfaction with the bill, so parliamentary members reduced the budget by 146 billion shillings (or around $1.1 billion), Ruto said. Ruto said additional budget cuts would also be announced.

Where will the budget cuts come from? Operational expenses for the office of the president and the entire executive branch will be reduced, Ruto said. Leaders removed monetary allocations for the confidential fort, travel, hospitality, and renovations, among other expenses, he added. Lawmakers have also heard protesters’ calls for decisive action to combat corruption, which will be a priority for Kenyan leaders moving forward, Ruto said.

Civilians will not be hoodwinked by press conferences, prominent social activist Boniface Mwangi wrote on social media. Tomorrow protesters will take to the streets to mourn their fallen heroes, and to demand a better Kenya, he added in the Wednesday post. State leaders financed and organized the violence at the protest only to turn and blame innocent citizens, Mwangi alleged in an earlier post. The invasion of government buildings and the fires lit across the city and country yesterday were not the work of peaceful protesters but of paid goons, he continued.

Dig deeper: Read Travis K. Kircher’s initial report on the protests which coincided with Kenyan troops landing in Haiti.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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